The mirror is multi-coated to suppress internal reflections and although some light is lost as it passes through the mirror, the company claims to have found the perfect 'transmissivity/reflectivity ratio'. While most cameras for selfie-addicts use flip out screens that encourage the shooter to look away from the lens during the exposure, Casio's idea of placing the lens directly in the centre of the mirror means eye-engagement will be easier and occur naturally in all pictures taken.
Not only can users check their lipstick in the camera's mirror before the picture is taken, but those who have forgotten theirs can make the most of Casio's Make-up Mode, which provides 6 levels of skin tone adjustment and 12 levels of skin smoothness to brighten and add gloss to the face.įurther modes create soft focus and radial blurring from the centre on the image outwards to emulate the effects of a zoom burst, and users can decorate their images with a collection of icon 'stickers' and picture frames. The camera, which the company seems to be targeting at women, is a 14MP compact camera with an extra wide angle 4x zoom that starts at 21mm equivalent - a focal length Casio says is optimal for taking self-portraits. The Casio Exilim EX-MR1 uses a lens behind a large mirror so that shooters can check their appearance as they take a picture. Casio has taken the selfie camera a logical step forward with a new design.